Ms. Sue's Class Blog
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Monday - Thursday, April 12-15, 2021
Friday, 9 April 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Gilakas'la! Here's a look at our busy day:
First, a reminder about the hot lunch tomorrow: Spaghetti! If your child does not like spaghetti, please pack their own lunch.
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We added notes about Verbs to our Language Arts Interactive Notebooks this morning. It looks a bit confusing but the main thing for the kids to know that there are different types of verbs, and that verbs tell us when something happens; we mainly focus on action verbs.
Remember you can click on these pictures to enlarge them.
We watched a very good video about verbs:
Then I read a beautiful story to the kids, emphasizing the verbs in it.
During Math, we revisited the Perimeter and Area task cards for more practice. Students are working to remember which is which, as well as what to do when asked to find the sum or difference (important vocabulary from earlier in the year).Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 6 & 7, 2021
Hello, all. I am combining yesterday and today mainly because I forgot to do the blog yesterday. So here goes:
I started reading REFUGEE by Alan Gratz. Not only is this an amazing story, but it will lead us into our studies about immigration. I am adding this first so that the picture shows up in the box.*I read while the kids are still eating; this gives the slower eaters more time to relax.
In Language Arts, students did a practice MAZE on Tuesday and then "the real McCoy" today. They are really getting good at these 3-minute timed reading fluency activities where, within sentences, they have to choose the correct word (from a list of three) to correctly use in the sentence. I hope that makes sense to you.
We also read and worked through another spelling booklet: "Amazing H" about adding h to certain consonants to change their sound.
Yesterday, the kids wrote about what they had done over the weekend. I wanted to see how their writing has developed completely unassisted.
Today, students had a chance to do some of their Readwell or Reading Mastery program.
Prior to that, we added some notes about Possessive Nouns to their Interactive Notebooks. The photos will give you an idea of what that is all about.
During Math this week, students did drills for the 6X facts. Everyone improved today's score from yesterday's!! Next, we continued working on calculating the perimeter and area of rectangles. Today, the students worked on some "task cards" scattered about the room. The picture below is an example of the first four cards.
We are finishing up our Landforms books using Book Creator this week. Students are using First Voices to add Kwakwala words to name most of the landforms. We hope to present these books next week to parents et al via Zoom. We will give notice!
Today, the kids had Kwakwal culture class with Isaiah in the afternoon. I'm not sure what they did but they had fun!
Enjoy your evening. Stay warm:)
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Happy April 1st! Fortunately, nobody played any tricks on me:)
We had a fun-filled yet productive day. We did some water colour painting in two stages: the first so that the paint would dry thoroughly, and the second to add in Sharpie our designs. Here's what the kids produced: some before and after... *Remember, you can click on a picture to enlarge it.
We also did some Easter-themed math: patterns and rotations, a MAZE exercise, learned about Alan Turing and The Easter Story The latter was intended for educational purposes, not promoting a religious belief.
In the afternoon, we played another game of Kahoot! about Polygons and a second game about Growth vs Fixed Mindset to revisit what we had learned yesterday. The poster that we created as a class yesterday is posted below.
We had a wonderful hot lunch today: chicken noodle soup and a homemade bun. The kids also had a brief egg hunt - thanks to Ms Pehgee's chocolate egg donation:) Lastly, everyone went home with a bag of hard-boiled eggs, egg decorating materials, a new mask, and a new re-useable bag. Wow! Students are encouraged to attend the online Zoom tomorrow night for egg decorating and, if they do, will receive a gift certificate for Sporty's.Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Reminder: A special hot lunch of soup and bun will be served tomorrow!
This post will be quick. The students attend Culture Class on Wednesday afternoons so I just have a few things to share from the morning.
First, we re-visited the Growth vs Fixed Mindset statements from yesterday, pasting them onto one large poster. I forgot to take a photo before leaving school; will add that tomorrow. We watched a 30-second commercial by Michael Jordan - related to Growth Mindset.
Next, we watched a video about Goal Setting. Then we made folded booklets and started our Goal Setting booklet. We got as far as Long-term Goals, with students listing some things that they would like to be good at or become as adults. So far, we are just making lists; later we will expand on one of goal.
Setting Goals (McMaster UTV) This video explains SMART Goals.
After recess, it is our math time so we did a timed 5X (B) drill and graphed the results. Most students felt a great deal of success with these multiplication facts.
Following that, we marked / reviewed our quadrilaterals worksheet from yesterday, working together to find missing angles within triangles (180 degrees) and quadrilaterals (360 degrees).
Then I surprised the kids with a Kahoot! game about Polygons that I had made up. We will play again tomorrow:)Finally, before and after language class, I read from an old book by Monroe Leaf (c) 1946 entitled How to Behave and Why. Ask your child what the four most important things to live by are. I'll tell you
That's it. One more day before Easter break!
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Greetings! First off: a reminder that a hot lunch will be served on Thursday: chicken noodle soup & bun!
We started our day checking out a short video about the Mars Rover being sent to and landing on Mars. This video is truly amazing!
Next, we continued reading about and discussed Famous Failures: Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and Albert Einstein.
Later on I showed a short 4 minute video about 15 Famous Failures Before Success.
Related to this, students worked in pairs to distinguish between Fixed versus Growth Mindset statements. Tomorrow we will look to see what they came up with and, as a review, put them onto a larger poster for the classroom.
After recess, students continued their 4X drills, noting an improvement from yesterday's results.