Tuesday 1 November 2016

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Happy 'Tantalizing Tuesday'.

We started our day with a video about the heart, and a dissection of a cow's heart.  [See separate post for photos.]

How The Heart Works 3D - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMmtqKgs50

Cardiovascular System Introduction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lgd03h3te8 (We will watch this one tomorrow!)

After simply colouring the blue and red 'sides' of the heart, the kids had some time to work on their word search for French.  We also did some French at the end of the day: L'Halloween is due tomorrow.  This involves drawing pictures (# and colour) when specified.

We also did some needle felting today, working on our bookmarks.  This was a nice way to introduce needle felting with a small project.  [See photos below!]

Mrs. O'Neill came into our class today to continue the discussion about Residential Schools and the lasting affects of them on many Aboriginal people, not just survivors.  She showed a short video and talked about it with the kids.

After lunch in the gym, the kids participated in a circuit that too them to various parts of the heart!  We checked the 'answers' when we returned to the class.

We did not get to do the candy graphing today in math.  Thanks to all of you who helped your child count their candy (aka gather data).

Enjoy your evening, everyone.