Wednesday 2 November 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Here's how our Wednesday went:

Mrs. Davies, Kate, and Dave came into our class this morning for an Invasive Species presentation and a couple of activities.  Their program's focus is to promote awareness of invasive species - both flora and fauna (especially in our area), and teach ways for us to prevent / limit the spread of harmful species.  [I will post some photos later tonight, likely after the World Series is done:)] **See below!

After recess, we revisited "Halloween Leftovers", looking specifically at the rich vocabulary used in this short story.  Students had a few more minutes to complete questions / answers before handing them in.

After that, we learned about bar graphs: how to set them up and what they could contain.   Then the kids used their candy data and created their own single-bar graphs.  Those who finished, submitted them for marking.

After lunch, we watched a video about the Cardiovascular / Circulatory System and completed a cloze activity sheet together.  We also drew some pictures and added notes on the back of the notes.

In French, we read a short story called "Quelle Surprise!", and worked through a little Halloween booklet with sentences telling the students what to draw.  They are doing very well with this, pulling together vocabulary from all sorts of resources.

That's basically it for today.  Have a good evening.  If you're baseball fans, this is the big game!! I won't tell you who I'm hoping for but it's not the team who beat out the Jays!

**These photos are in no particular order.  INVASIVE SPECIES PRESENTATION: