Monday 6 March 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

Merry Muffin Monday!  Thanks to the parent who made us yummy chocolate chip muffins this morning... we really appreciate your kindness and efforts.

In math this morning, we reviewed the method of multiplying large numbers that we learned last week.  Here is the link to the video we watched when first learning this method.  It's worth a watch.

Area Model Multiplication video

We also did a 3-minute drill; the kids are super at this now.
Three challenge questions were assigned for math: 136 x 225;  367 x 149;  208 x 450
These are due tomorrow.

After recess, we had time to write notes about a fourth spelling rule: "Change the y to an i when adding suffix endings, unless the suffix starts with an i.

Examples: beauty + ful = beautiful (beautify, beautician)
                  happy + ness = happiness (happily, happier, happiest)
                  angry + er = angrier (angrily)
                  ready + ly = readily (readiness)

*Be careful with these ones:
pretty + er = prettier (prettiest) but prettyish
dry + ed = dried but drying, dryish
defy + es = defies but defying
apply + es = applies (applied) but applying

Next, Mr. Redding took them off to music where they practiced The Salmon Life Cycle Song and were introduced to The Life Cycle Song (an echo song).

After lunch, we worked on the Canadian Artists projects (posters and write-ups).  Tomorrow we will be doing some more painting and sculpting.

A quick clean up before P.E., where we learned some volleyball skills, then our day was done:)