Wednesday 5 April 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hello, one and all!  It has been a while since I last posted; I have been away for some of the time and simply forgotten some of the others. Anyway, here's our day:

We started our morning editing our flora / fauna salmon connection summaries.  This was good practice as it had been a while since they were looked at.

Next, we revisited a spelling rule about silent letters k, b, and w.  "Who's the Loud Mouth?" was the name of the booklet and story about the above mentioned silent consonants.

Following that, students were to finish up their journal entry from Monday, and then had free writing time before recess.

After recess, we went to P.E., then back for social studies and to learn more about early immigrants to Canada.  We worked through a cloze activity as a form of note-taking.  This took us until lunch time.

After lunch, students completed their Agendas and had some time for silent reading.  Then it was math: we added notes about multiplication to our Interactive Notebooks.  Then we watched a short video about Divisibility Rules, made a small folded booklet, and added notes to it.

*The Art Cards went home today, and some people took home their original art piece.  Others should be taking theirs home tomorrow.

Enjoy your evening!