Saturday, 21 November 2020

An Introduction: First Post - November 21, 2020


This is the first blog for this school year.  I was having difficulties creating a brand new blog so decided to continue my previous blog from my teaching days in Revelstoke - hence all the extra entries and older material posted on some of the pages.  My apologies.  You just don't have to look at them:)

I am really enjoying getting to know the students in the class and settling into my life at Wagalus School.  I have never seen so many rainbows!  You have named your school well.  I feel privileged to be here, covering for Miss Tanya this school year.

The purpose for this class blog is to post a brief overview of each day, keeping parents / guardians informed as to what we are learning so that you can better support your children.  When students are absent, they will be able to see what we did,  watch any links to videos that I may post, read assignments, and even download assignments when possible.  I will continue to work on having assignments available for downloading; I have not done this previously so be patient with me.  Hopefully, this will help students and parents keep up with at least some of what's happening in the classroom.  

I look forward to continuing our work together and supporting your children's education as we maneuver our way through this very different and challenging time. 

Coloured Corn Art project

Dragon's Eye watercolour art

Knots on a Counting Rope - writing assignment