Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


We had another great day, today, with lots of fun and learning taking place.  

This morning, the students started designing posters for the Recycling Program at Wagalus.  We have not yet begun our "training" for presentations in the classroom.

Next, we did some of the Readwell program - students are working at different levels.  I am enjoying spending some one-on-one and small group time with the students. 

After recess, we started math with Drills That Thrill and graphed the day's results, then continued working on subtraction involving borrowing.  Students are reminded to line up their digits carefully in their place values to avoid confusion.  I assigned only one page to be completed for tomorrow; the first two we marked together in class. 

After lunch, I continued reading Owls in the Family.  They are sure enjoying this classic story that takes place near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  Ask your child what is happening in the story!  We are coming to the end of the story; it will be sad when it ends.  I did not "make them" write a journal entry today :) 

We went outside for P.E. / recess today because it was so lovely and fresh, if a little on the chilly side.  The kids also helped turn the compost bin which is really a challenge to do by oneself.  I took a photo of the kids on the play structure but am having difficulty posting it; I will try again from home.

Lastly, we focused some more on social studies: interpreting legends on a map of Canada's Prairie provinces. 

We ended our day gathering the recycling and compost buckets from the other classrooms.  The students are enjoying doing this daily task.  I appreciate their enthusiasm. 

Enjoy your evening, and check back for photos if they are not yet posted. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE!  Pizza order forms went home today!  Friday is "Jersey Day" and pizza lunch. Please return this a.s.a.p. to avoid disappointment.