Well, I see that I have missed a few days. Other than Friday being a professional development day, we really have been working! I'm just going to fill you in on yesterday and today because we have started new units.
This week's idiom is:
In Language Arts, we started an Interactive Book. Our first focus is Parts of Speech, more specifically NOUNS. We have read a couple of books about nouns and identified nouns around us and in some funny stories from Grammar Cop.
In Math, we have continued to work on the Area Model when multiplying 2-digit numbers. Students added notes to their Interactive Notebook. Today, I assessed and can see that we have a bit more work to do here. We will, however, keep coming back to it so that the kids don't dislike it:)
Today, Miss Pehgee came in to teach the kids a song that she had made up to help them with their double multiples (1x1=1, 2x2=4, 3x3=9, ...) They had fun learning this with her! Here are her rhyming word clues:
In Social Studies, we started a unit about Landforms, familiarizing ourselves with vocabulary and types of landforms. Today, the kids did a matching activity for ten of the landforms, and will do another ten Thursday, as they have Culture class tomorrow afternoon. Students will be doing a larger project for this unit so it's important that they stay on top of the in-class assignments / activities.
We have been practicing basketball skills during P.E. class and recess breaks.
If there is any spare time, the students are loving going onto EPIC! Books to read on their own. This is great to see.
I hope this has given you a sense as to what we have been up to.