Friday 17 June 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Thank goodness it's Friday!  At this time of year, especially, the weeks seem long.  We had another very productive day today, starting with an Assembly.  Today we recognized Liam and Hope.

We came back to class to work on math (24 hour clock and elapsed time) until recess.

After recess, we headed to the computer lab to continue working on our 'little buddy' stories.

At 11:00, the students went off to music with Mr. Rogers.  They are working on a play for our Fine Arts celebration night.

After lunch, I taught another Social Thinking lesson.  Today I gave the kids summaries of the Team of Unthinkables, and we created "Cootie Catchers".   The students were to choose four Unthinkables that they think try to take over their brains, write two things that each Unthinkable makes people do, and two Superflex strategies to defeat the Unthinkables.  A couple of examples are posted below.

*This weekend, I will be putting together my Power Point presentation for the POPARD course I am taking; I present (online) Monday to about 20 teachers around the province. I have tried to avoid pictures of students working on the social thinking assignments, but there are some in the Superflex Distracter Shield photos.  If you do not wish for your child's photo to appear in my presentation, please contact me. 814-8001

*A waiver for the year-end swim went home today!  It's yellow.  Please sign and return as soon as possible.

Enjoy your evening:)

ps)The grade seven leaving ceremony is happening tonight!