Monday 20 June 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

Good day!

This morning we continued working on our stories for our little buddies.  They are really coming along nicely.

After recess, we played soccer outside for half an hour.
Next, we built solar ovens with the grade four class!  The students worked in twos or threes and created ovens out of pizza boxes (courtesy of Emo's).  One day this week, hopefully it will get hot enough to try baking a cookie in it.

After lunch, the kids went to music with Mr. Rogers.  Then back to class where they learned a new song: Residential School Song.  After singing that a couple of times, we worked on our jars and started decorating some rocks.  You'll see these a week from now at our Fine Arts Nights! Don't forget to R.S.V.P.!

Special Event Notice: District track events tomorrow morning!

Reminder: Remember to return the signed waiver for the end of the year swim on Tuesday, June 28th; our class goes in the morning.

Enjoy your evening.