Friday 28 October 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

What a day!  What a week!  Very exciting and very full.   Here's our Friday:

We went to Assembly first thing, and recognized ZS in our class for her expressive reflective journal writing.  Mr. Pfeiffer made some videos using JibJab and inserting staff faces... too funny!  I will try to attach them below.

To settle down, we did some French activities: vocabulary word search and a drawing activity; both will be continued Monday and the rest of the week.

After recess, we played mini games of basketball, three on three to give the kids ample opportunity to handle the ball without being crowded.

Micah then showed us pictures and told us about his trip to Quebec and New Hampshire last week. He did a super job explaining and answering questions!

Then it was hot dog lunch by the P.A.C.  Many thanks for their efforts:)

This afternoon was the fifth session of Exploration Friday.  Many students got to the painting their larger face image... they are looking wonderful!

Reminder: Monday is Halloween.  Students will dress up in their costumes at lunch time for the parade and dance.  Please, no weapons or scary masks, and nothing too gory to scare me (and the younger kids).

Enjoy your weekend.