Monday 17 October 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Here's our day:

Students worked on a new typing program: Master Key.   We did this for twenty minutes or so before joining Mrs. Tomm for Library, where she introduced them to  Check out this amazing website, perfect for kids' level research. We read through an article about bees together, highlighting and learning how to look up vocabulary words.  We will be continuing this program for several weeks as the students learn how to extract key information from research, then summarize it into their own words.

After recess, the kids completed their Agendas and read silently before Music with Mr. Redding. They continue to practice the ukulele, and learn new chords and songs.

After lunch, we had math.  We started with a Complements of Ten drill, then began to put together our Interactive Notebooks.  Today we added Kim Sutton's Numberline and some definitions of types of numbers, as well as the names for answers depending upon the type of calculation (sum, difference, product, and quotient).  We also learned a new 'Making Tens' card games for further practice of this important skill.

Making Tens card game

Before the end of the day, we went to P.E., where we continued to practice basketball skills (dribbling and passing).

Hotdog orders
Picture Day - Thursday, Oct. 20th
Pro - Day - Oct. 21st (no school for students)
Scholastic Book Orders are Due Thursday, Oct. 20th