Tuesday 11 October 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy Tuesday after Thanksgiving, everyone!  I missed posting all last week due, in part, to me being away (sick) a couple of days, and a full day field trip to the Kingfisher Interpretive Centre. We also had Bear Aware, art with Tina, and Exploration Friday.

I shall endeavour to get back on track this week (as I check out the goal-setting the kids did while I was away!).

Math - We did some 60 seconds and 40 seconds drills (complements of ten), then practiced 3-digit and 2-digit addition.  This second sheet is due tomorrow for review.

Reflective Journal - Today's entry was "What are you thankful for?"

After recess we reviewed the concepts of sympathy, empathy, and compassion, and had quite a discussion about them.  Then Mrs. O'Neill, the Aboriginal Support Worker, came in to talk about Residential Schools. In class, I will start reading Fatty Legs, by Christie Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, a true story which took place in the Yukon.

After lunch, we had gym where we started basketball skills: dribbling, today.

The students did their agendas and some silent reading after that, before the fire drill. We had our second 'Fire Drill' this afternoon; all went well.

We ended our day with Book Exchange and silent reading.

Enjoy your evening.


Tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday are early dismissal days for students. This means that we work through lunch time and students are dismissed at 12:30.  Parent-teacher interviews start at 1:00 pm for most teachers.  Please make sure that you phone the office to make an appointment through Mrs. Echlin.  *The government says that teachers must meet with parents officially at least twice a year so please make plans to meet with me:) *See the letter that went home today on bright orange paper.