Monday 21 November 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Good day, everyone.  Today was "Muffin Monday" again, delicious banana chocolate chip muffins were  provided by Autumn's mom.  Thank you from all of us!

We started our morning doing Master Key, the typing program, in the computer lab. Then we came back to class where we read an article about Pacific Salmon, highlighting main ideas, and planning an organization booklet for research.  Next, the students chose their own animal to do from a list provided (see photo).  We will continue working on these during Library next Monday, and finally summarizing their notes into proper paragraph form.

After recess, I handed out both November and December book orders; these are the last ones before Christmas.  They are due back Nov. 29th so that the orders will be here before Christmas break.  The kids also filled in their Agendas at this time.

Mr. Redding took the kids for Music; they are working on their song / dance for the winter concert.

After lunch, we did some math.  I started with an adding 9 drill, then a review of writing numbers in expanded form.  This is sometimes confusing, especially with lots of zeros when dealing with millions.  The students have a worksheet to complete for tomorrow.

Next, we did some linear measuring on a Metric Castle; this is also due back tomorrow.

Then it was time to clean up before P.E., where we practiced lay-ups and shooting from quite far back.  No easy task, but many were successful!

The following letter will go home tomorrow, but I will include here as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dear Parents / Guardians,

You may be aware that reporting students’ progress is a little different this year.  Instead of the traditional report card, I will be holding student-led conferences at which time your child will receive a progress profile.  The latter outlines your child’s progress regarding the areas of studies thus far in the school year.  You will have a chance to look at your child’s work and learn from them what they are learning about. 

The student-led conferences will be held both Tuesday, November 29 and Wednesday, November 30 from 2:30 – 5:30; you can decide which day works best for you.  You do not need to sign up, but I would like to see everyone.  The students are looking forward to show casing their work!

Best regards,

Ms. Sue Leach