Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hello, everyone!  Here's our day:

1) Organized our Working Binders, removing unnecessary worksheets and ensuring that the rest were properly placed behind their correct tabs.  I reiterated both the purpose and importance of the Working Binder, largely so that parents can see immediately what their child is working on and what needs to be done.  Similarly, the Agenda is a brief outline of our day; more detail is here on the blog.

2) Math - marked the Metric Castle, and worked on a Perimeter pkg (4 pages) to be done for tomorrow.

3) We made Writing folders so they are ready for independent writing.

4) Read Westcoast Reader independently or with a friend, then completed an activity package.

5) Students were asked to write about one of the articles in the Westcoast Reader, one that they liked, made a personal connection, or simply found it interesting.  They are to write in their Reflective Journal explaining their choice.  *Some students started this, but most will be completing it tomorrow.

6) We played full court basketball in PE today!  The kids are trying the lay ups and distance shots, as well as practicing their dribbling and passing skills.

7) Students completed a Competencies and Self-Reflection activity for me; this will be part of their Progress Profile which you will receive when you come to one of the Student-Led Conference evenings next week.  *Your child has a notice for you about this.  It is also below, and a copy was pasted on yesterday's blog as well.

8) Agendas and Book Exchange - this ended our day!

Enjoy your evening.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dear Parents / Guardians,

You may be aware that reporting students’ progress is a little different this year.  Instead of the traditional report card, I will be holding student-led conferences at which time your child will receive a progress profile.  The latter outlines your child’s progress regarding the areas of studies thus far in the school year.  You will have a chance to look at your child’s work and learn from them what they are learning about. 

The student-led conferences will be held both Tuesday, November 29 and Wednesday, November 30 from 2:30 – 5:30; you can decide which day works best for you.  You do not need to sign up, but I would like to see everyone.  The students are looking forward to show casing their work!

Best regards,

Ms. Sue Leach