Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Good afternoon!  Please read the following notice!  I sent a copy home (on bright orange) so you can't miss it:)


Dear Parents / Guardians,

Hello, again.  I goofed!  I have a meeting after school on Tuesday 29th, so will have to move the Student-Led Conferences from that day to Thursday, Dec. 1st.  They will still be held on Wednesday 30th as well, however.  Remember, you don’t need to come to both… just one!  I look forward to seeing each of you. My apologies for any confusion or inconvenience.


Sue Leach

We continued working on our animal research projects this morning.  The purpose is not so much finding out everything there is to know about an animal, but to pick out just the facts from an article, organize these facts into a research booklet, and then summarize the information in one's own words.  This sounds easier than it is for young students, and is a vital skill for success for future schooling.  Today, we also focused on opening sentences for our summaries; the kids are doing a great job thus far. 

After recess, we played another game of basketball full court.  Most students are having a lot of fun!

Next, we returned to the classroom and watched the first half of the video: "Journey Home of the Chinook Salmon", about BC's Fraser River Chinook salmon run. 

After lunch, we did some math: adding to 99 drill, read LIFETIME, a story about numbers in the animal world, finished the perimeter package from yesterday, and watched a video about calculating different perimeters (irregular and regular polygons, finding missing information...).  Check out the video below.

We finished our day with a French Halloween pre quiz.  The deal was this: If students got 14/ 17 or better, they don't have to write the real quiz.  They can use the pre-quiz as a study sheet.