Friday 25 November 2016

Friday, November 25, 2016

Hi folks. Sorry for the late post.  I started painting and then ...

There wasn't a post yesterday as I was home sick.  I was also away this morning, but came in just before lunch to make felted soap for the Christmas Craft Fair.  There's a photo of the kids' efforts below:)

Today was the last day of eight sessions of Exploration Friday.  The art group was busy finishing projects and making new winter-theme inchies.  My students did a survey for me so I will be able to see what changes / improvements to make for the next group. I have included some photos below of various art pieces.

This morning, the students had Buddy Reading with the Gr 2/3 class, worked on their Perimeter package for math (It is due Monday!), and played some games in gym with Ms. K, the TTOC.

After lunch was, of course, Exploration Friday.  There will be an art exhibit in the front showcase by the office, and Technology projects will be on display in the Library (I think!).

Enjoy your weekend.  Happy Moonlight Shopping!  The Revelstoke Project is also showing at the Performing Arts Centre at 7:30!

*Please take a look at the Assignment Check; there are some assignments missing which your child can finish this weekend and get into me.

See you next Wednesday or Thursday at the Student-Led Conferences:)