Monday 28 November 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hi, folks.  The first thing I'd like to do is remind you about student-led conferences on Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30 until 6:00ish.  Please come one of these two days to see what your child has been doing.  Celebrate their learning and their accomplishments with them!

We started off in the computer lab this morning, working on Master Key, the typing program.

Then, back to class to watch a couple of brain videos (see links below) and then to dissect four deer brains.  It was difficult to see the parts outlined in the video, but the students were engaged as they probed and prodded the little brains.  (I will try uploading some photos later from my iPad; off to a meeting soon.)  Make Me Genius - The Brain (2 mins)  Brain dissection (7 mins)

After recess, we glued things into our art journals and got things organized.  We also filled in our Agendas before dashing off to Music with Mr. Redding. Can you believe it? Only two more weeks until our Winter Concert!!

After lunch we went over the Math Antics Perimeter package, including the last page where students wrote algebraic equations for the unknown:)  Cool!

Then stack chairs and tidy before P.E.  That's it for today.

REMINDER: Please bring 2-3 cans of food for your clay salmon tomorrow.  The cans will stay at school until next week when you can take them home again:)