Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sorry for the late post, folks.  Here is our exciting day...  It doesn't look like much but it was full!

We started our morning with a talk about all the exciting things that are coming up.  We also discussed the student-led conferences tomorrow and the next day, and what we wanted to show off to parents.  The kids came up with quite a list so I hope that everyone will be able to make it one of the two afternoons / evenings.

In math, we added notes about polygons and measuring perimeter into our Interactive Notebooks.  

After recess, Tina came in and made clay salmon with the kids.  These are now drying wrapped around / between cans of food:)  They will need to dry, be dipped and fired, glazed, and re-fired.  We hope to have them done in time for Christmas.  Below are just a few photos of the project.

After lunch, we went to P.E. for an extended class, then came back to the class and watched the remainder of the video: "Journey Home" about chinook salmon.  Mr. Brooks was on the video talking about fertilizing salmon eggs at the Kingfisher Interpretive Centre.  He is the gentleman who delivered our eggs and will be doing dissections in the new year.

2:30 arrived and it was time to clean up and head home.