Wednesday 30 November 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Good evening, folks.  Many thanks to those of you who were able to make it in today for the student-led conferences.  I look forward to seeing as many other parents who can make it tomorrow.  Same time, same place.

Today was a bit of a crazy day with lots of different things going on.  We started our morning with a math subtraction worksheet about salmon survival.  We checked final answers, then marked it together.

After that, students filled in their Agendas.  Sorry that I have not had time to sign all of them this week, but hopefully by now, the students will be filling them in regardless of me having to check every day.  This is their responsibility, as it is theirs to show you and ask for a signature:)

When done with Agendas, students created pictures of different salmon stages of development to put on the Medicine Wheel. I'll take a photo once it's complete.

This took us to recess, after which we nailed a white-tailed deer hyde to a large 4' X 4' (130 cm x 130 cm) board.  We brought it into the class where we will gradually take bits of flesh and fat off.  Our aim is to make a soft hyde but it's hard work so we'll see how far we get with this project.

After that, we came in and did some free-time writing in our writing folders.  Some people wrote stories, others 'journal entries', and someone even wrote out a tune he had in his head!

At the same time, six students made clay salmon.  They missed yesterday's session so made theirs; others made some for people missing.  They will have the opportunity to glaze one at least.

After lunch, we did some French (le, la, les, ... assignment); it's due tomorrow.
Then we did some felting so that they could show their folks how to do it at the conferences.

We are going to a concert at the Performing Arts Centre tomorrow at 10:15!  It should be really good.