Thursday 1 December 2016

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

Welcome to the first day (and post) of December!

Thanks to all the parents who came out and took part in the student-led conferences these past two days.  I enjoyed overhearing your children explain their activities and learning to you:)

This morning, students worked to finish the good copies of their summaries of various animals. I have seen progress already, and am looking forward to taking it further.

We had an early recess, then off to the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre for a concert / presentation by the Foothills Brass.  The quintet consisted of 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, 1 tuba, and 1 French horn. They explained and demonstrated how music is created by the four building blocks: tone, rhythm, melody and harmony.  It was wonderful!  They gave 2 for 1 vouchers to the students to take home so if you can make it Saturday night, they are playing at 7:30 at RSS.

We returned to school for lunch; it, too, was extended to accommodate late arrival.

Then we did Agendas and Silent Reading, three French presentations, some math involving "unknowns" (very brief), and then got ready for the student-led conferences.  A few people worked on the deer hyde for a few minutes before the end of the day.

That's it folks.  Enjoy your Friday tomorrow.
REMINDER: No school for students Monday, Dec. 5th.