Friday 2 December 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

What a busy week it has been!  Thanks again to all the parents who were able to make it out for student-led conferences.  It was wonderful having such a turn out!

After Assembly this morning, we practice the Log Driver's Waltz for a bit in the classroom.  (I sent the lyrics home to be memorized.)  Then we did some math: perimeter practice (regular polygons). We had some more time just before lunch to work on these so assigned them to be done for Tuesday.

After recess and P.E., Mr. Redding took us (I went too) to music to practice the Log Driver's Waltz some more.

After lunch, the Exploration Friday Technology students went with Mrs. Tomm to finish up their projects and do some self-reflections.

The rest of us staying the classroom and filled in Agendas, cleaned up, did some felting, scraped at the deer hyde some more with the scapula, and then ended our day together with a Circle Talk.

We were all very tired today, so hopefully will get caught up over the weekend:)

*The Christmas sale at the Art Gallery is happening tonight.  It starts at 6:00, if interested.

A newsletter went home.  The date for the next PAC meeting is the 6th, not the 13th.

*No Assignment Check today... sorry to disappoint anyone:)