Thursday 3 November 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Happy Thursday!  Here's how it went:

First thing this morning, (after completing Agendas) we reviewed some facts about the liver and its main functions.  The kids coloured their diagrams before watching a couple of videos about body systems.  [See post specifically about the liver.]

Some students also used this time to finish up their French booklets.

After recess, students added notes about Representing Numbers in their Interactive Notebooks, then worked on a package that I assigned.  We will finish this up tomorrow, so it is not to be completed for homework:)

Mr. Pfeiffer took them to gym while I had Prep.

After lunch, Tina came in and students wet-felted their backgrounds for their salmon habitat project.  I have included a few photos of the process on a separate post to make it easier to find them later.

That took up our afternoon, so that's  it for today.
Enjoy your evening!