Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It was a wonderful Wednesday.  Here's how our day went:

We started this morning with an activity in Social Studies / Language Arts that involved matching vocabulary to their definitions, discussing as we went.  We did this using a pocket chart; the vocabulary is defined below.  The students then did a crossword puzzle using the definitions, and a word search with the vocabulary words themselves.  They worked well today; most students finished them during class time.  *They are due tomorrow, please.

Then Zoe got the idea to do a word search of the names of students in our class.  She made up one using, which the kids did after returning from the Book Fair in the afternoon.

We played basketball in P.E. again!  They are doing really well organizing their teams and playing fairly.

After P.E., we did some goal setting for the next ten days.  First, we reviewed the criteria for SMART goal setting.   We will self-reflect on our progress in two weeks.

After lunch and a visit to the Book Fair, the students presented their French booklets: Qu'est-ce que tu as?  J'ai un(e) / des ....  They did a fine job orally; I will mark the written aspect of the lesson tonight.

The Book Fair is open tonight until 6:30.    Enjoy your evening.