Saturday 21 January 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017 / C'est vendredi le 20, janvier 2017

Here's a rather late post for Friday:

A Teacher-on-call was in for me in the morning, but this was they did:

-started off with an Assembly

-worked on onomatopoeia project; some finished

-worked on a fun French colouring sheet to reinforce des couleurs

-completed and marked / reviewed the Metric Conversion worksheet E (both sides) in preparation for the QUIZ MONDAY!

-completed Agendas and cleaned out their desks before lunch in preparation of Exploration Friday in the afternoon (Art, Drama, Technology)

REMINDER: The following letter was meant to go home Friday but it did not.  My apologies for the late reminder.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As you are aware, Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th next week are early dismissal days to provide time to meet with parents to discuss their child’s progress.  If you would like to meet with me, please contact the office (250 837 4744) to secure a time.

Sue Leach

*The ALEVINS have turned into FRY!  It means that now we have to feed them, and they can have their front barrier removed so we get to watch them.  Here's a photo.