Monday 16 January 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017 / C'est lundi le 16, janvier 2017

Good day, everyone.  Here's how our good day went:

-Master Key (typing program) first thing
-Library: Reminder about Battle of the Books - Get reading!
  A new project was presented today!  Students will be researching a famous Canadian artist and replicating a piece of art.  This project is due March 6th; oral presentations will begin that day.  The criteria and project description is included below.  The work for this project will be done at school; we will supply students with the supplies needed.

Discovering a Famous Canadian Artist –Research and Fine Arts Project
Assigned: January 16, 2017.   
Due date: March 6, 2017. *Presentations begin!!

Choose a Canadian artist (alive or dead).
Research the following:
o  Birth (where and when);
o  A brief account of his/her life, and how this influenced his/her artistic work (political / social events?);
o  Other influences: other artists? landscape? animals?
o  Death (if applicable, where and when, and why?);
o  Why is this Canadian artist important?;
o  A picture of the artist;
o  Type of medium used (oil painting, sculptures, fabrics, …);
o  Some examples of most famous works; please include a copy of the piece of work you decide to replicate.
o  *Provide an imitation of the artist’s work.  Examples: paint a replica, create a replica sculpture, weave a replica piece, …
o  Present information, typed or neatly printed, on a poster board or artist’s portfolio. A suggested poster layout is described below.
 **This image didn't show up but the kids have a copy and it will be done at school.**

After recess, students did their Agendas while I read Fatty Legs.  Then Mr. Redding showed up for Music!

After lunch, T. gave her Immigration presentation, we did some math (multiplication drill and metric conversions), and went to P.E. to play badminton.  That's it!  Enjoy your evening. 

Homework: math B (only one page)