Monday 23 January 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017 / C'est lundi le 23, janvier 2017

Good day, Folks!

We started off our day discussing an ABC Book about Salmon.  Students received an information / activity book about salmon once their math (metric conversions) quiz was completed so that they could read quietly.  Once everyone had completed their math quiz, the students created booklets for the ABC activity.  They are to read the package, then take information for each letter of the alphabet and write about it in their ABC book.  For example, A is for Alevin, the stage of a salmon's life cycle where it hatches from an egg and has a yolk sac ("lunch box") which provides it with nutrients for a period of time.  That's a little wordy but you get the idea.  Students are encouraged to sketch pictures as well.  They will have two weeks to complete their ABC books, after which time I will look them over for content, accuracy, and apparent effort.  A quiz may be created to assess how much information they have retained from this activity.  Students will also be sharing their ABC books with the Grade K/1 class who is also studying salmon.

After recess, students completed their Agendas and continued with their ABC books until it was time for music with Mr. Redding.

After lunch, we had Library (now in the afternoon for a shorter block of time) where we started working on the Canadian Artist project.  Info booklets were labelled and information gathered.

This took us to clean up time before gym and the end of the day.  Where does the time go?

Reminders: Early dismissal (12:30) Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Parents are encouraged to make an appointment at the office if they wish to meet with me to discuss their child's progress.

Friday is Book Character Day, so dress up as your favourite book character.

Friday is also PAC Chinese lunch (It costs just a toonie!) to celebrate the Chinese New Year (Rooster).