Tuesday 3 January 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2107

Welcome to the first school day of 2017.  Happy New Year to one and all!

We started our day with a circle talk, discussing our holidays and special memories.  We also checked in on how the Immigration Projects were coming; students shared their ideas.  (See below)

Next, students wrote in their Reflective Journals for about half an hour.  They were permitted to write about anything so I look forward to what they chose to share.

After recess, we played Perimeter Scoot as a review activity for math.  The students demonstrated a very good grasp of this concept, remembering to include the units of measure and everything!

Social Thinking was next, reviewing what it is and why we are learning about it.  I introduced Superflex and one of the Unthinkables, and read Superflex Takes On Rock Brain.  Then the students drew themselves as Superflex, reflecting on their Social Thinking skills.

Finally, after gym, we watched a video by the Bazillions reminding us about similes and metaphors.  Students were asked to think of one or the other, and we were to identify it.
Similes and Metaphors - a great song by The Bazillions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoSBVNUO2LU&list=PLp6MCuWcvpwr7km_Cy52ahFQibb5ac2rn&index=4

To end our day, the students filled in their agendas and did book exchange with Mrs. Astra.

*The students finished the World Map puzzle today!  This was a challenge, especially missing a piece of Africa:(  

**The Immigration Project is DUE MONDAY! The project description and assessment outlines are reposted below.

Immigration Project
DUE January 9, 2017
[Presentations January 9-13, 2017]

Purpose: to understand the circumstances around one’s decision to leave their homeland and make a new life in Canada (or the New World).

o   Who immigrated? (person or group of people)
o   Where did they emigrate from and to what part of Canada did they come?
o   What was happening in their homeland? Were they forced to leave?  
o   Why did they decide to emigrate? (May be strongly tied to above.)
o   When did they (as an individual or as a group) come to Canada?
o   How did they travel? (boat, plane, train)
o   How long did it take?
o   How were they treated once they arrived / settled in Canada?
o   And anything else you want to include.

Project Description:

Include a map showing the approximate route your relative/person took to arrive in Canada, with an approximate time period.  If your person traveled within Canada to get to their destination, include that on the map as well.

Include a small flag of your immigrant’s homeland.

Be prepared to explain why your person came to Canada: How? Why? When?
Where? (See above questions.)

You will be assessed on how well you explain your immigrant’s life and experience.  Use the above questions to guide your project.  You may choose how you would like to present your information.  Here are some suggestions:

-Prezi                                              -Suitcase with items in it
-iMovie                                           -Diary
-Stop motion                                    -Poster
-Oral presentation                             -Map of trip with explanations
-other?                                            -A letter or series of postcards

Immigration Project Assessment
Date presented: _____________________

Purpose: to understand the circumstances around one’s decision to leave their homeland and make a new life in Canada (or the New World).  To also reflect on how they were treated by Canada upon their arrival, and/or when and where they settled. You will be assessed on how well you explain your immigrant’s life and experience.

Student: _________________________________________________________
Immigrant: _______________________________________________________
Project format:      Prezi               Suitcase with items                          iMovie                                 Diary              Map of trip with explanations      Poster
                           Stop motion     A letter or series of postcards                    other?
Project Content:

Who immigrated? (person or group)                             1       2       3
From where did they emigrate?                                     1       2       3
To what part of Canada did they come?                         1       2       3
Why did they leave their homeland?                               1       2       3
When did they come to Canada?                                   1       2       3
How did they travel? (boat, plane, train)                         1       2       3
What route did they take?                                             1       2       3
Map of homeland / route                                              1       2       3
How long did it take?                                                   1       2       3
Flag of homeland                                                         1       2       3

Content Total                                                                                         /30

         Audible and clear                                                2       4       6
         Story is told, not simply read                               2       4       6       8
         Awareness of audience                                       2       4       6
         Visual component is engaging                              2       4       6       8       10

Presentation Total                                                                                   /30

Immigration Project Assessment Total:                                   /60

Notes: ______________________________________________________________