Wednesday 4 January 2017

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hello folks.  Here's our day:

Aiden brought in his new kitten this morning.  Chickita is a Maine Coon and will grow to be quite large. (Thor, another Maine Coon, is close to 18 kg!)  She explored the room and the kids, especially Jackie's pen.

Next we reviewed the ecology terms we learned before Christmas break.  Students chose flora or fauna and related it back to the food web in relation to salmon.  They will be researching their choice and eventually needle-felting a picture of one onto a quilt square.  These will be sewn together to create one large "Salmon Connection" quilt.  Below is the list of the students' choices.

After recess and P.E., we learned about Hyperboles!  What fun these are.  Students were given three worksheets for practice; they are all due tomorrow.  Plenty of class time was given so there should be little, if any, homework.

After lunch, we watched a video called Understanding the Metric System and wrote notes in our Interactive Math Notebooks.  The video is linked here:

Following that, we learned 'les jours de la semaine' (the days of the week en français). We practiced saying them orally, wrote them out several times on a worksheet, and the played Debout les 7 using the days written out on cards.  Ask your child to try saying them from memory!
And that is what we did today!

Enjoy your evening, and keep warm:)