Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 / C'est mercredi le 25, janvier 2017

Good day!  Today was the first of two early dismissal days, the kids getting out at 12:30 today and again tomorrow.  I look forward to seeing any parents / guardians who are able to make it in. 

This morning, we started by reviewing / taking a closer look at 'what is really happening with King Henry'.  "King Henry died by drinking chocolate milk" is a mnemonic that helps us remember the order of the metric system prefixes, but what is happening?  We worked on a sheet together to reinforce the idea of multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, 1000 ...(multiples of 10) to make a number larger or smaller.  Tomorrow we will be practicing word problems and t-tables; we didn't get to these today.  

After math, we marked the idioms package together, then chose plays.  After recess and P.E., the students practiced their idiom plays (Reader's Theatre) then performed for the class.  The audience had to identify all of the idioms in the play.  This was a lot of fun.  We will watch the last couple of groups tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we are going to RSS tomorrow to see a play performed by RSS students.  I don't know anything about the play but am sure that it will be a fun experience. 

The onomatopoeia art projects are up (photos below).  Once the idiom snow globe pieces are done, we will be able to cut them all out and build our snow globes.  

Reminder: $2 for Chinese Food lunch Friday!   Book Character Day Friday!