Tuesday 28 February 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Welcome back Monday!

Friday's pro-d session, as I mentioned, was just what I needed!  We started off our morning with a circle talk; our discussions focused on emotions, the feel in our class, how to arrange our desks, and getting to know everyone... not just our usual friends.  The kids also talked about what they did over the weekend.  The class then set up the room and chose where to sit, and it's feeling better already!

We also started to learn a song: The Residential School Song.  It will be an important song for our play in June, the chorus especially.  You'll have a better idea about what I am saying when you see the play:)

Just before going for recess, we played a quick game of "I have... Who has ...?" - a multiplication math game.

After recess, we reviewed and discussed the science quiz "Scales and Tales!"  Then the kids were off to music with Mr. Redding.

After lunch, we focused on the write-ups for our Famous Canadian Artists.  Before we knew it, it was time for clean up and P.E.

**The school's spelling bee will be held Wednesday, March 1st at 9:00 a.m.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Enjoy your evening.