Tuesday 21 February 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Good day, folks.  We had quite a busy day today; I am pushing the kids a bit as we pick up the pace.

We are addressing spelling rules specifically; today's focus was the silent "e" and "dropping the e when adding suffixes that start with a vowel.
Examples of these rules:  rob - robe;  slid - slide
slide + ing = sliding;  joke + er = joker

We added notes to our Language Arts Interactive Notebooks about these rules.  We also looked at soft and hard g and c sounds, and how having an i or an e after these two letters keep them soft.  For example: George vs gorge; science, gorgeous, conscious...

Students were given a story to read: "Serge's Strange Day" to identify -ge and -dge words.  A word sort has been assigned and is due tomorrow.

A key quote that the students wrote down today is:
 “You can improve your spelling if you
                      study it,
                     notice it,
                      use it.”
                                                    How to Spell.co.uk 

In math today we did the usual 3-minute multiplication drill to start, then marked the area / perimeter worksheets from yesterday.  Mrs. Strange, an additional part-time teacher to our staff,  worked with a small group of students today.  In class, we did some word problems relating to area and perimeter.  There is no math homework today.

Social Studies - We set up Immigration lap books today, adding a world map and a separate map of Canada to a folder.  We will continue this new format over the next couple of weeks, providing a summary of various immigrant groups to Canada. 

In PE, we played a couple of tag games which reinforced the understanding of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores, and another game involving bugs, fish, ducks, American Bullfrogs, and Red-tailed hawks.  

Pink Shirt Day is tomorrow.
Math Quizzette Thursday (focus: perimeter and area) - This will be a short quiz to see where students stand regarding their understanding of these concepts when working independently.