Wednesday 22 February 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 / C'est mercredi le 22, février 2017.

Happy Pink Shirt Day!  We had an assembly before lunch; Mr. Pfeiffer showed a video about how Pink Shirt Day came to be.  If I find the link, I'll add it here.  Following the assembly, students joined their little / big buddies and decorated hearts with messages about anti-bullying, words of kindness, et cetera.  Mrs. Klassen put them together to form the "CPE Kindness Tree".


We started our morning marking / reviewing Serge's Strange Day, and added more spelling rules to our Interactive Notebooks.

After recess, we went to P.E.  Austin taught us a new game called "long ball".  The kids enjoyed playing something different.

In math, we did some more word problems.  These were very similar to yesterday's so the kids worked through them for a bit before we did them together on the board.
*There will be a short quiz tomorrow (10-12 marks) about perimeter and area, to see what the students can do without help.  There will not be any of the word problems on tomorrow's quiz.

We finally got to do some French today.  We revisited the days of the week and learned how to say the date.  The kids were given three pages (due next Wednesday) to practice writing out various dates, and days of the week sequence.

Enjoy your evening.  Remember that there is no school for students on Friday.  Pro-D for teaching staff.