Saturday 25 February 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hi Folks,

I am behind in my posts but thought I'd go back to Thursday anyway.

A TTOC was in this morning, but here's what they did:

Read Westcoast Reader, then completed the answer sheets.

After recess, they wrote the math quizette about area and perimeter as scheduled; there was an omission that didn't get passed along so will rewrite Monday.

Then they had P.E., with the TTOC.

For lunch, PAC provided a free hot soup lunch for everyone.  Thanks, PAC and all the parents who came to help serve!

After lunch, I was back.  Students completed their Agendas and had some time for silent reading.  Then we watched a short video about Immigration in Canada and added a timeline to our lap books.

The science quiz from Monday did not get returned as planned because I wanted to have time to go over the quiz with everyone.  We ran out of time today.

Reminder: Pro- D Day tomorrow; no school for kids.  Enjoy the extra day off:)