Wednesday 8 February 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 / C'est mercredi le 8, février 2017

Good day, all.
We started our day in the computer lab where students finished the research portion of their Canadian Artist project and began the written summary portion. Several students made a good dent in it; others will need to really focus and apply themselves.

*Prior to going to the lab, students completed a short survey about the puberty lesson yesterday and their experience with it. This serves as a 'check in' with the students to make sure that they are feeling comfortable and to see if any further questions have arisen.

After recess, we played badminton during P.E., then came back to class for some math.  Today in math we reviewed the multiplication table (up to 12 X 12), looking for patterns and tricks, then did another 3-minute drill.  Following that we marked one of the pages from the multiplication package from yesterday.  Please ensure that the last page has been completed for tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we read The Trees Grin Beside Me by Michelle Macdonald and Leah Davis, then watched a Power Point exhibiting images of trees. This was an introduction to the art project for the Art Cards.  Students worked on a small sample piece in order to practice the technique.  Next we will draw larger images onto a full-size practice piece, then do the real thing!  I am not telling you too much about it on purpose... it will be a wonderful surprise!

That took us to the end of the day!

The ABC salmon booklets are Due TUESDAY, FEB.14TH!  This is an extension from Friday, Feb. 10th.  Students will need to take their books and information packages home this weekend to finish them for Tuesday.