Tuesday 14 March 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Another marvelous muffin Monday!   [Sorry!  This didn't get posted properly yesterday.]

After muffins (thanks to the baker:), we had a chat about manners and treating each other with respect.  Then we reviewed 2-digit X 2-digit multiplication and worked on the Math Antics package.
We stopped periodically to mark / check our work.  The rest of the package was assigned, or at least attempting to do what one is able.
We also played the fly swatter game using multiplication, then did a "I have... Who has...?" game.

After recess, we finished add the last of our notes about Spelling Rules in our Interactive Notebook before going to music with Mr. Redding.

We worked on the Canadian Artists projects after lunch, some finishing posters and others painting.  They are coming along.  Mrs. Tomm helped us with this during Library.

Last thing in our day was to go to the gym for a Jump Rope for Heart Assembly.  *Envelopes went home today for fundraising!


CPE Newsletter went home today. 

Art Cards and Purdy's orders are both due Thursday, 16th!