Thursday 9 March 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Good day, folks.

We started our day singing our songs!  Next, we added some more spelling rules to our Interactive Notebooks.

After recess, Mrs. Strange came in to help us with our artists' compositions again.  Autumn's mom also came in and helped distribute paints / materials, and offered support.  It made a huge difference having so many extra hands in the classroom for this activity.  Thank you!

Then, the kids went off to P.E. with Mr. Pfeiffer.

This afternoon, we shared our ABC salmon books with the K/1s who are also raising Chinook in their classroom.  We also introduced the Life Cycle Song / Dance that we will be performing at the end of the school year.  The Superintendent happened to pop in at the right time so did some singing and dancing with us:)  (No photos of Mr. Hooker, unfortunately!)



We came back to the class for some math before the end of the day.  Pages 60 and part of 61 are assigned for tomorrow.  They are just breaking down numbers into multiples of 10, making them easier for multiplying.   Eg.  20 X 45 = 2 X (10 X 45) = 2 X 450
This may be confusing for some kids (because we really liked the area model method), but is another way to consider the math.  It is the first step to multiplying 2-digit X 2-digit using the longer method.
*I will be returning the math quizzes from yesterday tomorrow!