Friday 7 April 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

It's Friday!  That means that I will have a weekend to get caught up from the week!  It sure seems to have been a busy week, with many projects wrapping up and even more pending.  Here's our day:

We started with an Assembly this morning.  Mr. Pfeiffer introduced a new way to look at learning. The acronym F.A.I.L. stands for First Attempt In Learning.  Below is a photo of our quick sketch on the board.  Following the assembly, I changed my plans and the students drew cartoons that showed a time when someone or something pushed them off the Question Cliff, what they learned in the Learning Pit, and how they arrived at / climbed Eureka Mountain.  It was an interesting activity for the students to ponder.

After recess, we had P.E. where we played volleyball on the court without nets up, and practiced rotation.

Then, we had a guest speaker!  Ms. Eileen Delahanty Pearkes (Pearkes Drive was named after her grandfather) is an author of several books about the Columbia River basin and the affects that the dams have played on the land, people, and salmon.  There is certainly more to it than this but you get the gist.  She is presenting at the Revelstoke Museum and Archives tonight at 7:00 pm if interested.
Ms. Pearkes read her children's book: The Heart of a River.


After lunch today, we started the third session of Exploration Fridays.  I, of course, taught Art, while others participated in Drama or Technology.  As usual, my class started off making booklets for the mini-course.

REMINDER: I forgot to send a note home today about the student-led conferences next Wednesday from 2:30 - 7:00 pm.  I hope that you will plan to attend during a time that suits you.