Monday 10 April 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Good day, Folks.  It's a short week but really packed.

Our day today was busy to start us off. Here's what we did:

We watched a Math Antics video where Rob told us about Factoring.
(Go to Math Antics connected to this blog and click on Factoring... yes, it's that simple.)  This was a great reminder and description as to what it's all about.  Last week you may recall that we made Divisibility Rules booklets.  Today we got to put some of that into practice.  The students worked on and completed all five pages of a Factoring package.  Below are notes that we wrote in our Interactive Math Notebooks.

After recess, students completed a self-reflection about core competencies, how they feel they are doing at school, what they are most proud of, a goal for the final term, and what they are looking forward to.  They did one of these to go with their last Progress Profile, so this one is to go with Wednesday's.

REMINDER: Now is a good time to remind you about the upcoming student-led conferences / open house on Wednesday from 2:30 - 7:00.  Come whenever works for you.

Music - Students went with Mr. Redding for music class today where they practiced their salmon connection songs.  He was singing their praises, so to speak, when they returned!

After lunch, we started the Canadian Artist Presentations!!



They are going well; we will continue the rest tomorrow and Wednesday.  All will be on display for you Wednesday afternoon.

We played Soccer Skittles during P.E. at the end of the day.

Enjoy your evening, everyone:)