Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Here's our busy day:

We wrote notes for the roots graph and hydr this morning; ject will have to wait.

Then I gave the kids the rest of the time until recess to practice their French "la date" booklets; several students did not have them ready for the presentations.

After recess and P.E. (we practiced serving in the full court and playing a short game), those students who were ready presented their booklets to the class.  The rest will present tomorrow.

After lunch, we watched the following videos about how to paint trees using watercolours.  Then we tried our own!  These are to go with their other tree projects, putting them into one presentation per child.

How to Paint Trees with Watercolour [11:30]

A Simple Tree - Watercolour Demonstration by Peter Woolley  [5:53]

How to Paint a Simple Tree - Grant Fuller [4:01]