Hello, Folks.
This is our first day of a full week of the school year!
Our day started with Music (my prep) with Mr. Redding. He has many fun activities planned for the year!
In Language Arts we looked at some Greek and Latin root words. We filled out some study cards and completed the first page of a short package together. The rest of the package is not due for tomorrow.
In math we checked our addition problems from last week, and reviewed finding the digital roots for some of them. Then the students worked on an Addition Crossword; this is due tomorrow.
During Social Studies we looked at a couple of maps showing where New Denver is located, both for our route at the end of the month, and in relation to the coast. I also read from Dr. Henry Shimizu's Images of Internment - a bitter-sweet memoir in words and images.
Students played math card games while others worked in pairs cutting up fruit. We have a dehydrator going with peaches and pears thus far. We will add more tomorrow. I will add photos once I have cleared the okay regarding photos.
We ended our day selecting books from the library!
Enjoy your evening, everyone.
*Verification forms went home today. Please complete and return asap.
*Newsletter went home.
* Field trip notice for Friday, September 15th! We will be walking to the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre in the afternoon. Two parent helpers would be wonderful, if you can make it!