Thursday, 6 February 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hi folks!  Here's a quick look at our day:

We switched things up today and started with math.  Look visited the vocabulary related to multiplication and considered factors, multiples, and arrays.  We also reviewed prime and composite numbers.  [See vocabulary wall photo]

Next, we worked together to factor 32.  That's all we had time for before P.E.!

After recess, students learned about subjects and predicates, and that they both must exist in a sentence.  We watched a video about Mr. Morton to reinforce this.

Following that, students continued typing up their letters to their buddies in Campbell River.
We are working on editing our own work, keeping proper sentences in mind.

After lunch, the students were entertained by Hip Hop Hoop: a combination of hip hop dancing and Indigenous hoop dancing.  I did not attend this presentation, but heard wonderful things about it afterward.

Lastly, students had only a few minutes to continue working on their biome animals.

REMINDERS: Nordic skiing for Grade 4's tomorrow!
                        Sponsored Silence for our class in the afternoon.