Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Here's a quick peek at our varied day:

Students continued to work on their letters to their pen pals in Campbell River.  This is ongoing as we are addressing some key punctuation and sentence-writing skills as we go.

In Library, we learned a little more about the upcoming project with fabric artist Jackie Pendergast.  Next week, students will begin creating their own quilt square with a focus on climate change, environmental impact, et cetera.

Students also had some time to continue working on their biome Book Creator project. 

After recess and P.E., we went to a quick presentation in the Grade 5/6 room about Friday's Sponsored Silence challenge / fundraiser for Australia's wild fires.  Our class will be participating on Friday afternoon, as the Grade 4's will be skiing in the morning.

Following the presentation, students did a "show me what you know" in math using the adjustment strategy.  I just looked them over and am quite pleased with their grasp of this challenging way of subtracting.

After lunch, we read Say Something and had a follow-up discussion.  Next, I finished reading The Six Cedar Trees (a review for many) and then the students worked on a page for their book / sphere.



That's it for today!