Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What a lovely day today with the Grade 2's from Mrs. U's class joining my Grade 4's while the Grade 3's went skiing!  Here's a peek at our day:

The older students paired up with the younger ones and read together, for starters. They really enjoyed this time together.  Then they all went off the P.E. with Mr. C.

After recess, the Grade 4's finished the second part of the MDI's (Middle Development Inventory from UBC) on the computer.  The Grade 2's went back to their room for Readers' Theatre.

After lunch, the Grade 4/s had a bit of time to work on their biome animals while the Grade 2's went to P.E.  Some of my students also chose to go to P.E., while others chose to stay in the classroom and continue working on their animals.

When the others joined us, we started a collaborative project for Valentine's Day and Mother Earth.  Here are some in progress, and one completed:

in progress