Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Good afternoon, folks.  Here's a look at our day:

We started our morning discussing the environment of our class.  I read Viola Desmond, then we had a follow-up discussion about speaking out and standing up for one's rights. When something isn't right, say something.  We reflected on this message and what sometimes takes place at school.  It would be terrific if you would ask your child about this and further the conversation.


P.E., with Mr. C. followed by recess took up the greater part of our morning.  During math, we had a number chat about 75, then found the factor pairs for 30 and 45, and drew arrays for both these numbers.

After lunch, we did the crossword in our Greek and Latin U6 package, and discussed, once again, the purpose of these units of study.  We also reviewed the spelling words for Friday.

Next, we watched a short video about the phases of the moon, then completed another "page" for our sphere.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4ZHdzl6ZWg&t=199s