Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Good afternoon!  Here's a look at our busy, exciting day:

With started our morning with Mrs. Pendergast, the guest fabric artist who is leading our students in a huge quilt-making project with a focus on climate change.  Today, students drew a shape onto a small piece of fabric, then practiced using fabric markers and 3-D paint to see how these materials will respond on fabric.  Then they designed their quilt square for tomorrow, when they will put things together. 





After recess and P.E., we did some more factoring and creating arrays in math.  Then the students had fun working with multiples inside a circle simply joining numbered dots to create patterns.

After lunch, they worked hard on their biome research projects, adding to Book Creator.  They were given a checklist to help keep them on track.  (see below)


BIOMES &  Non-Fiction Book Features Using BOOK CREATOR CHECKLIST

Biome: ______________________________________________ Your name: _______________

Dates worked on
Date completed
Research booklet
with information recorded is to be submitted;
info should be in note form, not full sentences

Title and Author; SAVED

Cover / Title page
Title page is attractive and inviting. Contains: name of biome, your name, and a picture

Table of Contents
*To be completed once the book has been finished

Definition &
A clear definition of your biome, including climate and any distinguishing features; explanation of location(s), including latitude

World map showing areas of your biome

Description of climate; seasons

Key landforms specific to your biome

Flora (plants)
Specific to your biome; this may differ depending upon location in the world

Fauna (animals)
As  above; no need to list all of the fauna, just key or distinctive ones

Indigenous peoples
Key nations or tribes specific to your biome
(Eg. Inuit in the Tundra in Canada; different name in Russia? Scandinavia?

Pictures (from online)
Pictures (from books)
1000X1000 resolution; no watermarks
Not blurry; only photo visible

Pictures should include a caption about where it is or what it is

Venn Diagram

Of either climate vs weather, biome vs ecosystem, or specifics to your biome (Eg. tropical rainforest vs temperate rainforest; grasslands vs savanna…)

Interesting facts
Labelled diagram

These items are optional!  You may wish to include them… or not.

Composition, vocabulary

Words should be your own; no plagiarizing!
Avoid scientific language and vocabulary that does not sound like you speaking.

No emojis, jokes, or funny remarks

Edit your work for complete sentences, punctuation, capitals where appropriate

Pages should look nice, have attractive backgrounds, and an easy-to-read font.