Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Good day!  I see that I missed Friday in my eagerness to get away for the long weekend.  Yesterday was Family Day, so today was the first day of a short week. 

Reminders: Summer in February tomorrow! 
                    Friday is Professional Development Day so no school for students.

Today was pyjama day and a pancake breakfast!  It was popular and a fun start to our day.  Upon our return to the class, we finished up the Hearts activity which involved identifying four basic parts of speech.  We went through this together, adding words to each one to make clearer sense of it.

Next, the kids went to P.E.!!

After recess, we finished the grammar activity sheet, reviewed factoring and making arrays, played a few math games with partners, and completed "Plangendas" before lunch.

Directly after lunch, students worked to finish their biome projects on Book Creator.  These are almost done for most. 

Finally, we did some art "Creating Texture Using Oil Pastels" with our 'stuffies' as models.  These turned out wonderfully!  See for yourself below.