Want to earn some extra ‘virtual’ cash? Keep track of how much you earn each week doing a variety of activities for the year-end silent auction.
BINGO – Complete squares on this bingo card and submit for $$.
Completed card = $100 Each single line (any direction) = $20 Four square = $10
*I will ask you questions about random square during our weekly conference!!
Write in your journal.
Send me a picture of you working or playing.
Attempt a challenge on my blog.
Solve using the Area Model:
26 X 34
Draw or doodle for fifteen minutes.
Create an art picture using nature / found objects and send to me.
Practice math multiplication.
Have a discussion about something with a parent.
Write as many words as you can that rhyme with “be”.
Sit quietly (indoors or outside); write about what you hear.
Play outside for an hour.
Phone a friend and find out what they have been doing.
Read to some-one (or your pet) for 15 minutes
Solve using the Area Model:
54 X 29
Send a word problem to a friend and ask them to solve it.
Work in the garden or shovel snow for half an hour.
Play a game of addition (or subtraction) war.
Come up with your own activity!
Write in your journal.
Read silently for half an hour.
Write in your journal.
Cook or bake something for someone.
Create a Zentangle.
Play an educational game online.