Monday, 6 April 2020

Scavenger Hunt from Mr. Cadegan and Mr. U!

 A.H.E. & B.V.E Scavenger Hunt

Task: you must hear, touch, smell and see the following items to complete the hunt! Pictures of each action are encouraged and can be sent to or by the end of the week. J

o  Running/splashing water (ex: stream, melting snow, puddle  jumping)                                                                                     
o  Birds chirping
o  Snow and/or branches crunching underneath your feet.   

o  Moss on a tree or rock
o  Something sticky (ex: tree sap)
o  Two different types of tree bark

o  A muddy rock
o  Two different types of living trees
o  One tree stump (decaying)

o  Animal footprints
o  Birds flying or in a tree
o  Sun setting and/or rising