Hello, soggy friends! It's raining cats and dogs (an idiom) as I write this.
We had another great day with so much learning happening!
First, we have two new signs up in our school: reminders to wash our hands and to keep our social distance.
We started off the morning looking at the Class blog and showing students how to access ReadWorks and their Henry Hudson assignment. Then we got into Readwell reading and activities. This took us right until snack.
After recess break, we did the much-loved Drills That Thrill (subtraction) and students graphed their results on their line graph. The students love seeing how much they improve.
Next, we marked / reviewed subtraction involving borrowing / regrouping. Students took turns walking us through the steps to get to the answer. I must say, they are doing very well with this. Then they were given a worksheet and had to pick ten questions that they would solve. Everyone finished this up before lunch time.After lunch, we finished reading Owls in the Family - with a few tears shed - so I will have to choose another wonderful novel to read. I had time to also read The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble.
After P.E., we returned to the class and students had to work together to put Canada's provinces and territories in the correct order. There was much running back and forth to the map on the wall in the classroom! Then we continued labeling the provinces and territories on the page for their circle books.
That brought us to the end of the day when it's time for students to collect the recycling and compost buckets from the other classrooms. I appreciate their enthusiasm for this!
REMINDER: Tomorrow is Jersey and Pizza Day! Send a lunch, however, if your child did not order pizza.
Have a great evening.
Ms. Sue